Ranked among the historical monuments since 1987, the Palais de la Porte Dorée is a unique building in the panorama of Parisian architecture. Its architect Albert Laprade , has created a synthesis of Art Deco, French cassical architecture, Moroccan architecture and elements loosely inspired art colonies. 's bas-reliefs of the facade and frescoes inside the palace, are used to illustrate the colonial discourse carried by the Colonial Exhibition of 1931 .
The Palace of the Golden Gate is a unique testimony to the art of the 1930's. If the painted decoration is rather academic style and colonial structures decorative (furniture salons, lighting, ironwork work) are at the forefront of research and technical style Art Deco style.
The Art Deco movement blossomed in 1925 in the International Exhibition of Decorative Arts, which give it its name.While France is a pioneer in the return to pure geometric lines. This style appears as a geometric floral motifs of Art Nouveau of the early century, tempered by references to the use of exotic and precious materials.